R2 GAME CO.,LIMITED-公司介绍和最新招聘信息|中韩人力|中韩人才网
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公司行业:暂无 公司规模: 公司性质:私营企业


● 单位信息
  • 公司性质:私营企业
  • 员工人数:
  • 注册资金:
  • 成立日期:2009年
  • 联系人:人事部
  • E-mail:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 联系电话:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 传真:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司地址:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司网站:仅限于登陆用户公开
● 公司简介
Reality Squared Games (Hong Kong R2Games CO., LIMITED) is an international online game publisher specializing in micro-transaction-based, free-to-play browser games. Our primary responsibility as a publisher is to locate outstanding development teams and games that appeal to a wide audience. We enjoy working with teams who are able to think outside of the box and discover new and unique game ideas that are creative, profitable, and most importantly, fun for our players. As a publisher, it is our job to manage all marketing and PR for games, locate distribution channels, and carry out day-to-day operations including customer support, community management, promotion/event design and implementation, and, most importantly, ensuring profitability for everyone involved. Ideally, cooperating development teams should primarily focus on creating and maintaining an amazing product, leaving the rest to us.
● 招聘岗位
  • 职位名称
  • 招聘人数
  • 工作地点
  • 发布日期
  • 截止日期

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广告投放 网站地图
联系我们 诚聘英才
个人注册 职位列表
职场指南 职位搜索
关于网站 网站声明
企业注册 韩企黄页
发布职位 VIP服务
简历搜索 韩语人才