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公司行业:暂无 公司规模:100-499人 公司性质:外资企业


● 单位信息
  • 公司性质:外资企业
  • 员工人数:100-499人
  • 注册资金:
  • 成立日期:-
  • 联系人:公司
  • E-mail:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 联系电话:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 传真:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司地址:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司网站:仅限于登陆用户公开
● 公司简介
Hagemeyer China Hagemeyer is a leading distributor of products and services focusing on Business-to-Business markets in electrical supplies and safety products. Hagemeyer’s strength lies in the ability to provide local and international customers with value-added services including technical support for electrical and automation installations, technical safety services, inventory management, and integrated supply enabling them to improve their own customer service and increase their efficiency and competitiveness. The associates of Hagemeyer China set us apart from our competition. They’ve made Hagemeyer China one of the leading distributors in China today. Our high standards ensure that our professionals are always on the cutting edge of industry, product, and systems expertise. You can learn more about Hagemeyer China at www.hagemeyercn.com and send your detail CV to recruitment@hagemeyercn.com
海格曼中国是电气行业领先的B2B分销服务公司,业务涵盖电气和自动化产品及服务,并全面覆盖华东和北京地区。 在中国的分销行业中,我们以最全面的产品和供应商范围,成为客户单一的电气自动化产品供应渠道。 我们的迅速发展和扩张,并寻求行业的专业人士加入我们的优秀团队,这是推动我们成为分销行业发展最快的公司的原动力。
● 招聘岗位
  • 职位名称
  • 招聘人数
  • 工作地点
  • 发布日期
  • 截止日期

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