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公司行业:暂无 公司规模:50-99人 公司性质:外资企业


● 单位信息
  • 公司性质:外资企业
  • 员工人数:50-99人
  • 注册资金:115.5
  • 成立日期:2006年
  • 联系人:陆女士
  • E-mail:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 联系电话:仅限于登陆用户公开
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  • 公司地址:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司网站:仅限于登陆用户公开
● 公司简介
摩丹卡勒多尼(Motan-Colortronic)是一家具有60多年历史的知名跨国公司,总部位于德国,中国总部位于太仓,在中国已经有10多家代理分支公司。Motan-Colortronic是全球塑料加工辅助设备的领导供应商,在注塑,挤出,吹塑等不同塑料加工领域拥有丰富的原料处理经验,为电子及汽车零部件,医用制品,光盘,塑料管材及板材,线缆,包装等各种塑料加工行业提供专业的解决方案和高品质的设备,产品包括除湿干燥机,体积式和重量式混料机,失重式喂料机,真空上料机及中央供料系统等,覆盖整个塑料加工原料处理工程的全部环节。 太仓摩丹卡勒多尼塑料机械有限公司成立于2006年1月,是德国摩丹卡勒多尼在中国成立的第一家生产型企业,位于太仓经济开发区太胜工业园。公司旨在通过规模化的生产向中国的塑料加工行业展现先进技术的典型和理念。主要产品为储存系统,除湿干燥系列,输送系列,混料系列,控制系列等。无论通过注塑和挤出行业,光盘行业,管材行业,包装行业还是线缆行业,Motan-Colortronic均可根据用户要求灵活的提供各种解决方案。 Motan-Colortronic is a well-known multinational firm with over 60 years history, the headquarter is located in Germany, Chinese headquarter lies inTaicang, has developed more than ten agent branch offices in China. Motan-Colortronic is a leading global manufacturer of peripheral units and systems for the handling of bulk solids, be rich experienced in different plastic raw material processing: injection moulding, extrusion, blow moulding etc., complex end-to-end systems for individual units for the automotive, electronics, household-goods and medical, PET technology, cable ,packaging industries etc. The products including: drying line, volumetric, gravimetric blending, loss-in weight feeder, vaccum hopper loader and central conveying system etc., which covers all the material processing in plastic filed. Taicang Motan-Colortronic Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd was founded in January 2006,is the first manufacturing enterprise in China by Motan-Colortronic Germany, located at Taisheng Industry Park, Economic Development Area. The purpose of the company is through the formalization production to show the vanguard technology model and idea in Chinese plastic processing development industry .The main products are: storage system, drying system, conveying system, blending system and controller system etc. Whatever you need in injection moulding, extrusion, optical disk, tubing, packaging and cable industry, Motan-Colortronic will provide you various, flexible solutions to meet your requirement
● 招聘岗位
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  • 招聘人数
  • 工作地点
  • 发布日期
  • 截止日期

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