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公司行业:暂无 公司规模: 公司性质:国有企业


● 单位信息
  • 公司性质:国有企业
  • 员工人数:
  • 注册资金:
  • 成立日期:2007年
  • 联系人:陈凯(CHAN,HOI JACK)
  • E-mail:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 联系电话:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 传真:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司地址:仅限于登陆用户公开
  • 公司网站:仅限于登陆用户公开
● 公司简介
Welcome to EY EY is one of the leading global professional services organizations with 175,000 staff around the world. We are proud of our people culture which we believe sets us apart in the profession. EY helps you achieve your best by providing great learning and career growth opportunities, by offering ways to help you achieve satisfaction in work and life, and by looking at each decision with a keen eye toward how it will affect you. Transactions We can help you make informed decisions about how to manage capital and transactions in a changing world. We put your capital needs at the heart of our strategy and focus on the issues that matter most to you when preserving capital, optimizing capital, investing capital or raising capital.
● 招聘岗位
  • 职位名称
  • 招聘人数
  • 工作地点
  • 发布日期
  • 截止日期

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